Let me first say that if you were brave enough to come this far, you
are truly a worthless human being, and you have way too much time on your hands and you're wasting it on this mindless drabble.
BUT... since you're already here..let's explore some thoughts and hopefully better ourselves through understanding as I see
it. And how I see it, it's always right, but that's just my opinion I could be wrong.
Most of the people ( both of you ) who
have come here and scrolled through this site are sighing comments under their breath that can only be described as ignorant.
All they see is a bunch of pictures and animations, and the color scheme / design layout. For them the verdict is clear. The
judgement has been made. But what they are not thinking of is WHY this all looks the way it does. Will they ask themselves
this question? Probably not.
Most people use their basic 5 senses,
( or 6 if you're weird like that) but they don't use their brain muscles to make sense out of it. Most people take everything
at face value. Here is a cheap example.
You have 10 dollars, whats that
mean to you? Beer money? Dinner? A couple packs of smokes? Or is it just 10 one dollar bills? Now look at it this way.
You have 10 dollars.... you get paid 5 dollars an hour...that 10 dollars
is worth 2 hours of your life. What else could you have done with that 2 hours?
Would you use it to find a job that paid more? Would you have been willing
to spend that 10 dollars just to not have to go to work for those 2 hours?
See where I'm going with this? I'm just making
a point. Things are never what they seem. Motivation is everything. Everyone goes to work so they can afford a car....to take
them to work! And to buy food....because they are too busy working to grow their own, and to buy a TV...because they only
have time for mindless entertainment. And they buy worthless junk...because the TV says they need it.
If this kind of thinking were acted upon, say....alot
of people just dropped out and started living off the land...the government would have a fit. Sure we're all free...just as
long as we make our payments on time, otherwise they revoke our freedom.
income = outcome. What I take in ..ends up going out.
that said...TAXES........we all hate em, but we all pay em too. Not because we pride ourselves on being good little Americans...but
because we don't like the federal prision system enough to want to take up residence there. I go to work and I trade time
and skill for little green and black paper. Then I trade the paper for food, lodging, expenses, ETC. I'm breaking even, that's
not income....I could go work on a farm and earn my food directly, and then go help out at the electric company. And never
have to deal with money again. But we all know that won't work...if one hour's work was truly valuable, then I could
probably pull it off....but to pay just the electric bill would mean I'd have to work there a week straight. And my point?
I don't know...do I have to have one? I guess I'm saying that back in the day...everyone was trying to make all this
economy stuff work....alot of trial and error....but no one realized that it was seriously flawed. And the people who would
gain from all of this didn't care anyway....they saw an opportunity to excel and took it, without a seconds thought of what
the real price was.We as a species have lost our ability to survive on our own, and we rely on a vulnerable system to supply
our needs. a system fueled by wants. We sell out to whoever has what we want.
I'm sure I'm gonna get alot of critics reading
this and they are not going to agree. I'm not even going to argue it with them. I haven't the energy to fight anymore..all
i can do is write it down ....put it in a bottle and cast it away, and hope someone gets what i'm talking about. this entire
topic is too deep to discuss in and real detail. it involves human perception, drive, motive, fears, dreams, and shortcomings.
and god knows what else. Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential,
and I see squandering. I'll
try to touch on some more topics related to this in the future.
"Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see
squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us
chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man.
No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is
our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock
stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off."